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Beginners Commands for Termux - Makes Using Linux Terminal Command Line(CLI) Easy - Start Hacking with Termux

What do you need to Learn Hacking...
A Powerful PC?.......Nah!
You just need a Android Smartphone and that's Enough!!!

First of all you just have to download a App Termux from Google PlayStore

But most basic thing to understand is the use of Terminal and some of it's Basic Commands that should every Beginner know about.
So, let's have a look on those Commands that will help you to learn them and You can easily be able to do basic daily usage on your own without any problem.

Watch Detailed Video*

• These are 20 most used Commands for Beginners Listed Below:

1. ls
Use: List Directory

2. mv
Use: Move Content (mv "file" /path)
for File> mv filename /sdcard/FolderName(moving file from Termux home to mobile's internal storage)
for Folder> mv foldername $HOME(moving folder from Mobile's Internal Storage to termux Home)

3. cp
Use: Copy Files or Folder
Examples: same as that of 'mv' commands just replace 'mv' to 'cp'.

4. rm
Use: remove/delete files and Folders
Deleting File: rm FileName
Deleting Folder:  rm -r FolderName

5. uname
Use: System Name
Examples: uname or uname -a (with ip)

6. du
Use: Disk Usage - stored data/storage

7. pwd
Use: Show Current directory

8. touch
Use: Create Empty Files(.txt, .html, etc.)
Examples: touch filename.txt

9. echo
Use: Display Text or Insert Text/message to and .txt file.
Examples: echo Hello Man > filename.txt

10. cat
Use: Read files
Examples: cat filename.txt

11. apt/apt-get & pkg
Use: package installer/manager
Examples: apt-get install python or pkg install python2

12. git clone
Use: Install tool/scripts from GitHub or GitLab
Examples: git clone

13. mkdir
Use: Make Directory(folder)
Examples: mkdir DevilTechno

14. ifconfig
Use: Network 'Interface Configuration'

15. clear or CTRL + L
Use: Clear Terminal Screen

16. CTRL + C
Use: Stop program running in foreground

17. screenfetch or neofetch
Use: Show Device's Hardware details

18. ping
Use: Show ping (internet connectivity > Between Server and your Device)
Examples: ping

19. unzip
Use: Unzip/Decompress any .zip file
Examples: unzip

20. tar
Use: Untar/Decompress any .tar file
Examples: untar filename.tar.gz

21. chmod
Use: Make file Excutable
Examples: chmod +x


These were some common. Hope you learned something new.


                                                                                             _- Devil Techno

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